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The Haps: Hello, Wooster ; )

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Things to Love, Things to Hate: The Week Five/Halfway Drag

Dear Rancid Ramen Packet,

I hate you, you delicious sodium-filled son-of-a-gun.  Thanks a bunch for nourishing me for ten minutes then backstabbing me FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT.  I mean everything was fine, and then I was skyping with The Boyfriend and said, "Heylemmecallyoubackokaybye" and slammed the computer shut and well, I won't go into the details.

Today was almost just as pathetic.  I slept until three in a desperate one-day recovery process.  However, I did regain my appetite because life without loving food is no life at all.  It's like walking around without a soul.

I've also got the week off, aka the two days I DO have class, I don't have to go this week.  You know, for all the momentous amounts of work I have.  So, I hope to be updating soon about a trip to Newcastle and Hadrian's wall.  And therapy shopping (shut up I want something sparkly).

Also, being sick made me extremely irritable and I created this list that I can now share with my American audience:

Things That Have Stopped Just Being Vaguely Annoying and Now are Extremely Annoying:
-It's KETCHUP not tomato sauce
-The fact that no matter what, there's just never enough salt
-No, I'm not from Canada.  Does it sound like I say "eh" and "a-boot"?
-Earphones.  Dead, again.  How many more pairs must I buy??
-My flatmates, cooking up authentic Chinese food EVERY NIGHT whereas I can't seem to put two pieces of bread together. 

Things That Are Worth Smiling At:
-The Brits outside my window attempting to move a stone bench at 2:30 A.M. and are falling over while trying to hug each other
-My booked flight to Ireland in TEN days!
-This picture (thanks Boyfriend):
 -This conversation tonight:
Boyfriend: "Annie, I'm sending you another package."
Me: "NO WAY? Really?!"
BF: "But.."
Me: "But...?"
BF: "I swear, I didn't know, but...I might have sent you some Ramen..."
Me: "......."
BF: "I'm sorry!"
Me: "No!  I ran out today!"
BF: face palms.  "That's the spirit."

So after recovery mode, and after I finish watching all the amazing 30 Rock I rediscovered on my computer, I swear the blog will be much more exciting.  I'm sure not many people want to hear about how sick I've been.



  1. Annie! A Nessie Sighting! I knew you would be the only one on the Scotland trip to see Nessie..I just knew it!

  2. OMG Nessy... She doesn't look like a brontosaurus at all. Also I will feel awful if you get sick from the Ramen I sent.
