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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Check, mate

Upon realizing that it is now the beginning of September and I have approximately 22 days before I begin living in a new country, I made the formal decision to send in my portfolio last night.  From the sound of Jacki's response, I expect she is grateful that I am boldly moving forward, especially after my frantic calls to Arcadia to see if I am landing in the correct airport for orientation (thanks to the parents' nervous breakdown).

At the moment, I find myself asking questions that make me apprhensive about the upcoming months:

-"Dad, how do I take the train in England?" (Asked after we had just gotten off the train in Boston this past week and proceeded to become completely lost)
-"Wait, is the Underground the same as the Tube?  That's what Rick Steves told me!!" (This was posed after looking at the pocket map in the new London travel guide my sister gave me)
-"Mom, can I get high heeled boots for England?" (This question was quickly shot down by my sister, immediately deterring me from this idea because "Annie, the streets are 75% cobblestone.")
-"Can someone explain to me the pound in ratio to my American money?" (I have yet to hear a response to this question in which I understand).

Mom, if you are reading this, this boot is totally at Nordstrom!  And I swear I won't fall over!

I think I will begin to feel less anxious (and nauseous) when I receive more information from Arcadia, which of course is 2 weeks prior to going over there--apparently the UK universities are slower to get things done than American ones.

With everything done for now, all I have to do is wait, and perhaps enjoy the colder weather that September has brought Ohio!


1 comment:

  1. 1. I freaking leave in nine days and have NO information!
    2. *heavy breathing* *heavy breathing* so. anxious.
    3. Yes, the tube and the underground are the same thing (or... should be...)
    4. get the boots, just do it.
    5. is your orientation in London?! We might be at orientation together!
