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The Haps: Hello, Wooster ; )

Monday, May 16, 2011

Let There Be Flight!

And so in the last for days I (and by I, I mean Dad more or less) sent in my deposit and booked a round trip flight!  I suppose I should thank Mom for folding my "Intent to Enroll" form, no one else can fold a piece of paper in three perfectly equivalent quadrants to fit inside an envelope better than she can.

On September 28, 2011 after what I assume will be a huge feast in my honor with all my family, friends, and loved ones, I will be taking off at precisely 4:30 PM from Port Columbus and arriving at.....

Canada: Also known as America's hat.

Where I only assume I will make super friendly Canadian friends who will, according to The Simpsons, end their sentences in "eh?"

And then I go to England, a drastic change from maple syrup to lots and lots of ale.

My returning flight is something much more exciting, I get to fly to the airport in Washington D.C. where I expect Obama to greet me personally and escort me directly to my plane to Columbus.
"No thank YOU for coming back to Amurica"

My next step is waiting to hear from good ole Jacki from Arcadia to confirm she got my stuffs and then I'm guessing she'll continue to ask me for a creative fiction portfolio in which I do not have.  It's not MY fault Wooster smothers my creative facets with boring old "real world" research papers.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

It Starts with a Little Acceptance...

After anxiously waiting to hear back from Arcadia University, College of Global Studies since February, I finally received a rather unexpected voicemail from Jacki, my personal oversee for the Lancaster program in England.  Upon listening to Jacki rattle off the seemingly endless list of things I must do immediately following my acceptance, I ran into my lovely roommate.  We proceeded to then giddily jump around on the brick path in joyful celebration while passerbys shot us clearly jealous looks.
My next objective....Become Kate Middleton:

I can't go wrong if I embody the Duchess of Cambridge's fashion sense, right?

And if anyone was wondering whereabouts in England I will be, the answer is the crevices of nowhere, it's like a Wooster away from home:
Lancaster University had me at creative writing.  I'm beyond excited to see if it lives up to all of its hype on Arcadia's website.  Anyway, I shouldn't get TOO ahead of myself since I have until September 28 until my departure.  I have all summer here at Wooster to mimic Kate's stellar trench coats and riding boots (already got me some Wellies) and brush up on all the weird British lingo.
